© 2021, Grupo Matula Teatro

Jogos Cortazianos


The Urban Intervention CORTAZIAN GAMES - Instructions for Disappearing is part of a Matula Teatro Group trilogy that also includes two stage shows, all created from the work of Argentinian writer Júlio Cortázar, whose work is strongly characterized by fantastic realism. With a trajectory that includes dozens of presentations, the Intervention has already been performed at bus terminals, squares in small towns and big cities, at open-air markets, food courts and community centers, on narrow sidewalks, as well as on large ones. It has circulated through the Cultural Action Program of the State Department of Culture (Proac Editais 2015) and the Sesc Arts Circuit (2016), as well as participatng in festivals. 


The Urban Intervention CORTAZIAN GAMES - Instructions for Disappearing takes place in spaces where there are a lot of people circulating, such as sidewalks, squares, fairs, bus terminals, etc. The players receive sound stimuli through headphones and react by proposing unusual compositions over the space. A body that dances among the fruit stands, a group of people dressed in green overalls with their eyes closed on the sidewalk, a song shared with the passersby, green balloons that appear and disappear, an unexpected question: everything is an invitation for the small suspensions of the everyday life. The attention to a detail that can reveal the fantastic and the poetic that inhabit the everyday path.


Direction: Flávio Rabelo 

Creation: Alice Possani, Bruno Cardoso, Erika Cunha, Flavio Rabelo and Melissa Lopes

Players: Alice Possani, Erika Cunha and guests

Made by: Matula Teatro Group

Age Rating: Livre

Length: 90 minutos.

About Cortázar

Julio Cortázar (1914-1984) was an Argentinian writer, poetic prose and history master, and creator of relevant novels that pioneered a new way of writing literature in the hispanic world, breaking the classic structures through narratives that do not follow a specific timeline. 

One if his most iconic books is Rayuela (Hopscotch), 1963, which allows plenty of different readings as decisions must be made by the reader from the own author’s orientation. A game-book, which turns the reader into co-author of the work as it allows uncountable possible readings. 

Cortázar’s work is frequently defined as magic realism, transiting between what is reality and what is fantasy, and at the same time flirting with surrealism. He is considered to be one of the most innovative and original.